Monday, December 9, 2013

Fall into Winter

Now the sun doesn't rise until after 10 am, and it sets around 3 pm. The long dark of midwinter is eased by the brightness of the snow, and by the stash of watercolor paper and art supplies in my cabin! I wanted to start with a throwback to fall, which was not so long ago, and the quick transition into winter. We have had unseasonably warm weather this year, and so the snowless November is atypical. We even had rain a couple of days ago - rain in December! I guess any kind of weather can happen suddenly in an interior, continental climate.
The two images below are inspired from hiking on the Cranberry Trail above the Goldstream valley in early November. 

This is moonrise behind Tolovana dome, in the cold and creepy black spruce bog, during late November.

Kestrel wing and river driftwood

Full moon: a boon for a lynx is a bane for hares