Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Morels at the end of the Rainbow

We were waiting patiently for the first good rains to arrive, because the mushrooms follow quickly after. A recent burn was our chosen site to go hunting for the elusive morel. 

 The burn was a fascinating place to explore.

I was not expecting to find any morels. From what I had read, they were so well camouflaged as to be impossible to distinguish from their surroundings. There was also a lot of debris remaining after the burn.

I found islands of green grass that bunnies would drool over.

Pink and yellow flowers carpeted parts of the hillslope.

The brain tree. 

The happy ending to this story is that shortly after I saw the brain tree, we found a vein of morels sprouting along the cliff edge. We came home with as many bags as we could carry! Delicious success.

Afterwards I went camping with friends down in the mountains. I have not had a free weekend in a while, and it was refreshing to camp in the alpine again.

After struggling through alders, we made it to a flat ridge top where we camped. It was the summer solstice, which meant that we had light ALL night!

Our tents are perched up on the hill.

This is Rainbow Ridge, and supposedly it is climbable. 

On a summit attempt of the ridge, the steepness of the scree field was dizzying!

The pointy rocks guarding the ridge top were a daunting obstacle.

We found an old army helmet next to a snow bank. What is that doing up here?!

The lupines were in full bloom all across the tundra, as well as many other wildflowers.

What a perfect day for a hike! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Spring, en route

I drove to Anchorage a couple weeks ago to depart for Portland, OR. I was attending a conference for aquatic sciences, which turned out to be a truly awesome experience - tons of science, tons of novelties in the city, and tons of blooming azaleas! Unfortunately, the only photo I took was from the highway as I was driving to Anchorage. The morning of my flight I accidentally left my camera in my car. Which is probably just as well since it may be rude to take pictures of people just because their hair is pink or they have tattoos on every available square inch of skin (and you see most of it). I also forgot my dress shoes in the car, which was very unfortunate because the only clothes I brought were fancy dresses!

Comics were usually drawn during the morning coffee break at the conference.

Middle-aged mutant ninja turtles

"I can't wear heels because of my condition… I have a compulsion to run."

Being "green" is easy for cyanobacteria!

I went on an adventure in a large, beautiful city park and ended up getting very lost - and darkness was arriving fast! I managed to eventually find an exit (though I had to descend a steep highway embankment that was not intended to be climbed on!) and reach the train line I needed just as it began to get really dark. When I returned to my hotel room, my roommate pointed out that my hair was full of holly leaves.

Back in Fairbanks I have been busy working at the watershed and busy working in my garden. I have finally planted all the available space and I even built an addition to the front of my garden!

 Caravine, watercolor and ink

We saw only their bones

Poking through the emaciated snow
Brittle like old skin and sagging.

The glue that once articulated them
Subliming through sunlight into thin air.

We saw only their bones
Castner Glacier, watercolor and ink

Even mundane chores can lead to surprising interactions.