Monday, November 10, 2014

A very belated Halloween

In a belated effort, we carved our halloween pumpkins yesterday. I carved a lot in the hopes that some of them would survive the hungry moose (we have already had one casualty). The lighted pumpkins make it more enjoyable to walk in the dark to the outhouse at night.

Butterfly owl

Abstract squid monster



The incredible leaning snowmen! I can't believe they haven't toppled yet. When they were first made, they stood about seven feet high. They have been gradually leaning back (but not falling!) ever since.

I want to add that the lack of snow since the first big storm is my greatest source of anxiety right now. I just want it to snow a couple more inches, and then skiing will be perfect! I love running, but I am ready to switch to a different sport.

I experimented with making stamps and painting a water bottle. Round surfaces are not the easiest to print on. I've been thinking about ptarmigan a lot, now that I see grouse tracks all over in the snow.

Of course, one of the ptarmigan has to die.

Painted caribou antler

This moose antler has glow-in-the-dark paint that reveals a starry sky when you turn the light off! This antler is also so heavy that it's uncomfortable to lift with one hand!

I also painted a pair of Dall sheep horns that I found on a hiking trip a couple years ago. In painting these, I tried to imagine what the sheep would be thinking. Braided rivers, berries, and tundra in summer with starry snow in winter, with the moon tracking across the sky.