Monday, December 8, 2014

The approach of Winter Solstice brings the crafts out of hiding

The days are very short now. It's getting to the point where there is no temperature variation between day and night. The only thing that consistently correlates with temperature now is cloud cover. Or if it's actively snowing. Below are pictures from a noon ski in the fresh snow! 

I like how the snow piles up on the spruce. Don't bump up against one though, or you might get a load of snow dumped on you!

In preparation for winter, I made some BIG rabbit fur lined mittens. Now that I've lived through a couple Fairbanks winters, I know the features I want. Most importantly, a cuff that goes all the way to the elbow.

I used two whole rabbit skins to make this pair of gloves.

When the weather is overcast, even in the middle of the day the woods are only seen in blue light.

The hay field is often a good place to get a look out towards the mountains (and just to get out of the trees), but in the clouds you don't see much.

The darkness is great because it makes it easier to schedule your day. My priority is getting outside in the daylight. When I have only a few hours to do that, it's easier to decide what time of day to go skiing. Or exactly when to start and end your hike. 
These quilt squares have been a long time in the making. They are actually not for a quilt, but are insulated hot-pads for cooking and kitchen use.

I've had fun making these! "Brann" is "fire" and "Hei" is the equivalent of "yo".