Thursday, February 28, 2013

Herbivores Only!

 Is it spring yet?! I saw grass for the first time in a long while today (admittedly, it was where someone had shoveled the ~3 feet of snow away, but I digress)

 Sheep make me dizzy. The Fjare family should recognize this view

The birches always remind me of stained glass

I don't know what this is. Possibly inspired by Seahorses?

Black and White Drawings: Birds and Bears

 Ravens playing along Bird Ridge

Owl from a dream

Ravens from another perspective ... I guess I'm hiking down now!

Credit for this quote goes to Jen, who also fearlessly faced-off with polar bears in Kaktovik

This is what I imagine the bears will be doing in P6 in about two months (or less...!) Romping around

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The sun is BACK!

The snow is still deep on the spruce, but the sun is coming back full-force and it's all going to melt pretty soon! My imagination runs wild when looking at the grotesque shapes the black spruce take on when they are weighed down by snow. I can wait to see them spring up again when it all melts! Actually, they don't ever really recover, which makes them grow all bent and twisty

 Smith lake is looking like a good place to start sunbathing

I think that under these hummocks are grasses, but who knows - could be anything

I forgot how important the sun was in my life. The best part is, we still have two more months of snow and skiing!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

This is often how I want to use stats... I understand that this is not how they should be used, like you understand that it's wrong to throw recyclables in the trash, but humanity is inherently lazy and seeking instant gratification!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Watercolors etc.

 So what if I want to make a tower of starfish?

This springs from anecdotes from Seward, and my own visit to Seward in January this year (It was almost this green, actually, and yes I was barefoot though it was snowing)


It's not really a Greyling, but I have artistic license, yes?

 King's Beard

This actually was inspired by a dream I had recently. Luckily for me (in the dream), I remembered to use proper bear safety to avoid being attacked!

 Back and Forth

The latest in the fish series...


Sort of an extension of a piece I painted over some of the reject art in the Estes Cabin. I made it bigger this time!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Another fish but WAIT it's SNOWING!

Translucent, watercolor and ink
I guess I dream of fish because I spend so much time thinking about streams... maybe I should (hopefully) publish my thesis with an artwork cover...

Tuneful, watercolor and ink
 A commission piece by some of my trailer-mates who play in a band

And why not include Amani (he's resting in between spastic explosive sprints around the cabin and on top of the furniture)

Friday, February 1, 2013

My first coloring book

Transparent, watercolor and ink
So I drew all these with Sharpie over the Christmas break, and I painted them in with watercolor once I realized I had basically made my own big-person coloring book. I also would like to point out that I freehand beveled all this matboard. This is also why I have yet to finish writing my master's thesis proposal...
Tonight we are hosting the first ever! Biology Graduate Students' First Friday on campus in the biology building. Lots of professional-quality work from our own cohort of bio kids!

 Cathedral, watercolor and ink

"Ode to the Ptarmigan", ink and origami paper, poem by Dana Fjare

Alchemists every one, transforming woody willow twigs
To feathers of purest white (to match their snowy diggs)
Or sometimes brown, depending on the season
(But really, a ptarmigan needs no reason!)
Hares can also change their clothing seasonally
But lack your exquisite fractal geometry
And you could wing to the blue sky and fly
If you found the motivation to try
Mostly, you like to run round and round in circles
Giving hunters a dizzy chase 'til they turn purple!

 Against Entropy, watercolor and ink, drawing by Dana Fjare and watercolor by Dashiell Feierabend

 We are broke graduate students, so we had to improvise with the frames. Thus we turned to what has never failed to supply us throughout history - the forest. Well, I repurposed some origami paper I had left over from my failed attempt to become a self-taught origami artist. The most exuberant were some birch and willow twig frames for Dash's prints.

 Medusa, watercolor and ink

 A wall of bunnies

Spring(ing) Hare, watercolor and ink