Friday, May 31, 2013

Chasing the Snow: Part 2

After a long happy soggy day of hiking rainbow ridge, we now needed to come down and find a campsite. The sun doesn't set any more, but we still need to sleep! We decided to drive further on towards Paxon, hoping to camp by some of the lakes over there. But as you can see, the snow just kept getting deeper and deeper

Summit lake: does it ever thaw??

We turned around and headed back towards some gravel washes around creeks we crossed over. We set up camp beside a creek at 11 pm.

And apparently we parked ourselves on the moose highway - we saw 5 individuals!

Dash and his driftwood/rock sculpture

We hiked down to the river to see what we could find... and to throw more rocks at ice floes.

Fox skeleton on the side of the creek

Pasque flowers - proof that we saw pretty things and not just gruesome dead things!

The Alaska range from Donnely Dome

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