Monday, November 18, 2013

Extreme Ecology: Winter Fieldwork

Our lab is embarking on a group project to sample stream water throughout the winter, hoping to detect changes in water chemistry and carbon bioavailability.  This is what our field site looked like after the first big snowstorm of the year - return of the spruce pipe cleaners! 

We are equipped with an ice auger, but didn't need it to access any of the streams. Where the flow is fast and the channel is deep, the ice can remain thin even in really cold temperatures.

Driving a snow machine is sort of like driving a boat: you need to anticipate turns long before they happen! Often, you need to lean in to the turns to give the machine track enough contact with the snow. And you've got to have really big mitts to keep your hands from freezing!  

Edge ice

Sampling Poker Creek!

Sampling the Chatanika

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