Monday, January 13, 2014

Fairbanks at 35 below zero

In memory of the noble dragonflies who unconsciously released me from the mosquitos

 Dr. Odonota, Pen

There was another "rainbow animal dream", this time a rabbit-which-may-also-be-cat-creature

 Dream Rabbit, oil pastel and pen

This weekend we experienced a sudden cold snap: the overcast skies evaporated into perfectly clear weather, but with the loss of cloud cover the temperatures plummeted to -35 in the valleys, and about ten degrees warmer in the hills. Perfect time for a sunrise hike on Ester Dome! At 11 am!

It was soothing to finally see direct sunlight again. We found some zebra trees...

When I was away from Fairbanks, I remembered how clean and open the spruce lowlands can be in winter (they are such a tangled, impenetrable mess in summer). 

 Luna Fidelis, watercolor and ink

We lost some elevation and dipped down below the sun line!

The perfect bowed birch

 I also wanted to climb up the ridge above my cabin to catch the last glimpse of the sun and to see the moonrise.

Aspens enflamed!

… And then the sun set ten minutes later… that's all for today!

1 comment:

  1. Your drawings are amazing as always!! Do you want to sell the Luna Fidelis??!? :) I love that one!
