Sunday, May 25, 2014

Caribou Hunuting

I recently was lucky enough to be part of a hunting expedition to intercept the caribou herd migrating north. The weather was perfect, and the snow held up (for the most part) during our trip. Here we are on top of our scouting hill, looking for animals through the binoculars.

It got so warm during the middle of the day that the snow got too soft to ski on, so we tried to ski early in the morning or in the evening, and often stuck to the river (where the snow crust was stronger) 

So many mountains. And the snow was so bright I felt like I might go blind, even with sunglasses on! 

Unfortunately, we didn't see a single animal. Until we were driving home.

We crossed to the north side of the Brooks range in the hopes of having better luck in a new location.

You can ski for ages and never feel like you are getting anywhere, because the scale is so huge.

You can see forever… and there are no animals. We saw fresh wolf tracks heading the opposite direction from us… maybe we should have taken that as a clue that there were no animals in the direction we were heading.

We left the land of winter, and leaf-out had happened in Fairbanks. Time for summer field work to begin!

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