Thursday, January 1, 2015

Tok impressions

Tok has mountains just a few miles away, but in town you are buried in trees and snow.

When it's -20 F, you have to gear up in some hot pants.

Checking hare snares in the trapline outside the duplex. The idea is that the bunny runs through the wire loop and snags it's neck, trapping it. However, this bunny saw the trap and turned around before running in to it - lucky for him!

Setting traps can be cold when you can't use gloves!

The streets of Tok are miles long with no turns and very few intersections, and you never see people's homes from the road because they are tucked away in the trees.

Hay Field Stalker, watercolor and pen

Sasquatch, watercolor and pen

A spruce tree bent into a full arch under the weight of the snow!

 Driving to Anchorage in December along the Glenn Highway, just east of Sheep Mountain area.

Snowy streams in winter

Swift stream in snow, watercolor and ink

Snowy stream with ice, watercolor and ink

Snowy stream with branches, watercolor and ink

Allihavelostisnow… gone, watercolor and ink

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