Sunday, June 4, 2017

Eagle River Nature Center

The first place I went hiking to test out my ankle was the Eagle River Nature Center (all photo credits Dash Feierabend). The trails there are good for an unsure walker like me because they are well maintained and there is not too much elevation change going up the valley. Even though the poplars and birch in the valley are fully leafed out, the alpine is still very brown. 

Horsetails were just popping up

Green, green, green, I can't remember ever seeing so much green!

The river has wide gravel bars with plenty of soft sand for wading. Definitely too cold to swim!

This is a new mushroom for me, the stalked scarlet cup.

We made it to Echo Bend!

     I liked the trails there so much that I even went back the next  
     weekend. It was overcast and threatening to rain, but the valley
         was sheltered from the bad weather in the mountains.

Devils club is starting to leaf out.

The river is still clear, but I wonder if it will get murky when glacial melt picks up later in the summer.

We went another mile past Echo Bend. The trail continues up the valley for many more miles before crossing Eagle River and climbing to Crow Pass. Some day this summer I hope to do the entire traverse, ending in Girdwood.

We found orchids! And some young fireweed.

Meadow grasses are starting to green up.

Hike success! I can now go at least 8 miles at a stretch.

The bunnies are getting bigger! I kept Polar Bear (top) and Bean (bottom) to stay. I will see if I can train them to do tricks.

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