Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Skiing the Resurrection River Trail and drawing along the way

 Sunny days while spring skiing are SO NICE!
 Spruce Tips

 Sunrise at Lower Russian lake, where we stayed the first night of the trip

Hemlock Rollercoasters

 We miraculously found the trail through the hemlock maze, after spending several hours navigating off-trail. Still, the tree holes continued to exert their gravitational pull on our sleds and gear. The forest was too pretty to be frustrated for long.

 Sunset at Upper Russian lake, our cabin location for the second (and unanticipated third) night.


 Typical cabin scene after a long day of skiing!

Upper Russian Lake from the inlet

Sunrise Birches

On the trail in between the Russian lakes. We had perfect weather, and no avalanches, although we all wore avalanche "beacons" just in case. Some parts of the trail involved some steep side-hilling, as well as navigating post holes (left by some hikers) and really bumpy snow machine tracks.
View up the Valley

 Avalanche 1

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