Monday, June 17, 2013

Rage against the Mosquito

Summer has arrived with a vengeance. The weather has been sunny and HOT for several weeks now, and I'm ambivalent as to whether field work is easier in the sun or less pleasant. 

Pros: it's not cold and you aren't wet, equipment stays dry, you can wear a t-shirt, bears and hazardous animals are hiding away in the shade
Cons: the mosquitos are still bad, it's hot so wearing long clothes to protect against mosquitos is almost as intolerable as the biting bugs themselves, sunburn, the mosquitos are so bad you would rather have bears any day, ...

Lately, most of the wildlife we have seen has been porcupines. 

Pros: Perfect weather for canoeing on the Chatanika! 

I have been busy getting my summer vegetable garden growing, but the battle against the mosquitos is never-ending. 

 The wild roses are having their first big bloom of the year! The cabin is surrounded by them, and the pretty pink flowers almost redeem all the scratches and thorns I incurred over the winter. Maybe if I'm brave enough I'll go hiking in the woods by Creamer's Field to see more roses.

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