Monday, July 22, 2013

Field Notes

 So what have I been doing for fieldwork? Not picking berries! I have been busy busy busy with many nutrient additions to streams, and so far I have evaluated 8 separate streams. I hope to get in a couple more nutrient assaults before the August rain sets in. Until then, I won't be able to wash my field clothes, which may make finding a field assistant harder now that my brother has returned to the lower 48.

Photo credit: Ann Olsson

A bug shirt was invaluable field gear this summer (credit: Dash). The bugs were so thick that their buzzing made it hard to hear other people! There is a very real risk of mosquitos driving a person to insanity, if they didn't have personal protective equipment. Made in Canada!

Photo credit: Ann Olsson 

Electric Pulse, watercolor and ink

Belle Creek - This was the second stream that Jon and I were doing nutrient additions at in one day. So we are hot, tired, and mosquito-harrassed. We were rescued by a contingent of dragonflies which came and ate the mosquitos that were pestering us. They were bold enough to even come nab mosquitos that were on our bodies! 

Typical weather: as soon as you get your umbrella out, the rain stops. I was teased about bringing an umbrella with, but I had to keep my field assistant Jon happy!

I haven't had time to myself much these past three weeks, but here and there I managed to get an hour or two to myself. These latest paintings seem outdated - the sandhill cranes are long gone from Creamer's field, although I have found a small resident population living off of Farmer's loop. The cranes do these funny dances...

Crane Dance, watercolor and pen

Stellar's Jays, watercolor and pen

As much fun as field work can be, it requires total devotion. My entire summer is in my work, and I hope that it pays off. It helps to know that the summer season, however intense it may be, is also brief. And while right now I may be yearning for winter to come, for darkness to relieve the endless work days, I will be continually busy all winter analyzing these samples for water chemistry and  putting together a paper ... (and hopefully skiing, painting, and adventuring!) 

But for the moment, it's still summer! With eternal daylight.

Early Morning Free Flight, watercolor and pen

Come along on a running tour of campus with me! The fireweed has overtaken the potato field on campus! It was right here, all along, and I never knew until just now! Wow, that's a lot of exclamation points!

The forest trails near Smith lake on campus

Smith lake

Running back home to West Ridge - back to the laboratory!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy your blog, pictures, and paintings.

    Thanks for sharing, Dana.
