Friday, August 9, 2013

Wickersham Dome + MORE fireweed!

Wickersham Dome is about 30 miles up the Elliot Highway from Fairbanks. Just far enough to make you feel like you are isolated from other people, and just close enough to be the perfect blueberry - picking getaway. A rainbow over the White Mountains appeared as we were approaching the turnaround point.

There are still a few fireweed blooming above treeline, but most of the plants are done blooming and have moved on to their seeding phase. And I found GRASS!! I miss grass. After all, life before Alaska was only fields and pasture.

A bunny cairn

 In the evening, Crossbills were calling in the spruce forest

I don't often find much time to paint, but watercolor is perfect for the busy working student - after all, you need to lay paint to canvas before your image dries up!

 Misty Morning, watercolor

Throw Rocks!
 watercolor and ink

Here is the MORE fireweed that I promised...

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