Friday, April 25, 2014

Things that emerged from the snowbanks

Snowmelt is a time of discovery. All the junk that you had around your cabin reemerges from the snow, and you find things you have been missing since October. For example, I found a pair of skis that I forgot I had. And a second grill (it is of small stature so it gets buried easily).

Lunar Eclipse

I also find plenty of amusing things along the roadside when I'm running. Admittedly, it is a problem that there is litter on the roadways. On the other hand, looking for novelties keeps my runs interesting while I wait for the trails to thaw out. A list of (the best) found-objects from my runs:

A dollar bill
Hershey's chocolate bar in the original wrapping!
Sock monkey
Lots of chocolate easter egg candies
…there will be more

Pisaster: a genus of pacific sea stars and an important predator in the intertidal zone

Mytilus: a genus of saltwater mussels, highly edible and an important source of food to intertidal predators

When hunger strikes...

… so does Pisaster

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