Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Circular Tour of Alaska - the Interior

We took our first hike up Wickersham Dome to see early fall colors and to pick blueberries.

The local marmot.

Another beautiful fall day in the Interior!

Tanana River at Salcha (south from Fairbanks)

The next day we drove south to Delta Junction to hike in the Alaska Range. We chose to hike the jeep trail to Canwell Glacier. The hike started in a steep sided steely gray canyon ("a construction zone"), which then opened up to a view of the glacial valley.

The reddish color on the edge of this hill is rock, not plants!

The fireweed had finished blooming, but was still fiery red! 

Across the glacial valley, the shrubs and trees were starting to make a rainbow splash.

The jeep trail followed the narrow edge of a moraine at the shoulder of the glacier. Much of the lower end of the glacier is inactive and covered in gravel. The active part is white and is farther up the valley.

The end of the road was not actually the end. The trail continues across the gravel stream bed and seems to keep going up towards a small glacier in the top of the valley.

The heroic jeep trail.

Looking back towards the Alaska Range, with colorful varieties of rock dividing up the hillsides. 

Taking a blueberry break.

Rainbow Ridge to the south east.

We had to ford a small stream, which was actually not too cold and revived our feet.

A burn regrowth in what used to be black spruce forest outside of Delta Junction.

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