Monday, September 2, 2013

3 - hour summit

Our last day we had only a few hours for a hike before needing to drive to Missoula to catch our plane, so we decided to leave from the Sperry trailhead close to the park entrance. This is the start of the Gunsight Pass trail, which is about 20 miles long, so we decided to just hike until noon and then return to the car. Of course Dash sees a sign for a trail going to the summit of a small mountain and wants to climb it. LOTS of steep climbing and switchbacks, but the view was definitely worth it! We saw a spruce grouse too!

There was a fire tower you could climb up at the peak, for an unobstructed view of the surrounding mountains.

MacDonald lake, which we swam in after descending from the mountain. In total, we hiked 11 miles in just over three hours - pretty good considering how steep the trail was! Marathon training

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