Monday, September 2, 2013

Glacier National Park - day one

We arrived in Glacier in the evening, and after picking out a campsite at Avalanche Canyon we decided to take a quick hike up the canyon to Avalanche lake. The woods were mostly tall cedars with plenty of moss. And plenty of hollow cedars to play in!

Dash didn't fit as well in this tree...

We were out late enough in the evening that the trail was pretty empty. It stayed light enough to see until about 8:30 pm, which provided plenty of time for an evening hike.

Avalanche Lake had breathtaking views of waterfalls, lit by the setting sun. 

There was no breeze and the lake was as clear as glass, mirroring the surrounding peaks perfectly.

Avalanche lake from the forest above

Look at this plush moss carpeting! Nap time... zzzzz ...

Our green chalet

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