Monday, September 2, 2013

Ptarmigan tunnel and Iceberg Lake

The next day we hiked on the other side of the park, starting from Many Glacier and hiking to Ptarmigan tunnel. We thought about looping back through Redgap Pass, but decided against it because it was really windy up high and we were not sure of the distance. Nevertheless, Ptarmigan tunnel was like something out of Lord of the Rings, and we were able to hike on a spur out to Iceberg lake.

The scenery is so expansive that my camera can't do it justice... I never can capture all of it!

Approaching Ptarmigan tunnel you arrive at Ptarmigan lake. The tunnel is somewhere in the rocks near the top of the pass.

Looking down at Ptarmigan lake from the trail to the tunnel.

The tunnel even has big doors! And you can see red rock on the other side. Cooool

When you walk through the tunnel to the other side, the view opens up to this valley!

The other side of the tunnel is a sheer rock cliff. The wind was so fierce I lost my sunglasses, and we also were bombarded by falling rock blown off the cliff top above!

Looking back at the tunnel from farther down the trail. The tunnel is that tiny tiny black dot about a fifth below the cliff top on the far left of the picture.

I love the way the rocks fold and bend - Glacier must be a geologist's fantasy come true!

We turned around and headed to Iceberg lake. We saw bighorn sheep on this steep hillside.

Iceberg lake

Dash is looking for an iceberg to climb...

Success! Cold, cold success

This was the prettiest iceberg in the lake, guaranteed.

After hiking another ~15 miles, we needed to drive back to the west side of the park where we were planning on staying. We decided to drive along the east and south edges, past Two Medicine and through East Glacier. Most twisted and windy road I have ever driven on - I couldn't help feeling a little queasy afterwards.

Trick falls near Two Medicine - I suppose the "trick" is that they come right out from the rock!

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